SA node

  • 网络窦房结
SA nodeSA node
  1. This is particularly important when the conducting tissues between the SA node and the ventricles fail only from time to time .


  2. The electrical signal is generated through an influx of calcium into the cells in the SA node , causing a change in voltage which creates the current .


  3. From the SA node , electrical impulses spread through the heart muscle to trigger the heartbeat .


  4. The levels of noradrenaline ( NA ) and acetylcholinesterase ( AChE ) in the SA node region were determined with biochemical methods .


  5. Methods Two Hodgkin-Huxley equations are used to simulate the potential of SA node and AV node , and to describe the regular pattern of cardiac rhythm .


  6. AIM : To study the electrophysiological effects of diacetyl guan-fu base A ( DGFA ) on pacemaker cells in sinoatrial ( SA ) node .


  7. There is this specially adapted system of muscle and nerve tissue in the heart the sinoatrial ( SA ) node , the atrioventricular node , and the Purkinje fibers which sets the rhythm of the heart .
